Wednesday, 10 September 2014


Ladies and Gentlemen,

welcome to our new blog, where you can follow the adventures of the four "lions" on a mission, a.k.a. MEMS (Mattia, Elena, Michele and Sam).

We left Ireland exactly two weeks ago, so we felt it was time to start telling you how we are doing.
We'll do our best to keep it updated fairly regularly, but we cannot promise anything, so just keep checking for posts; hopefully, we'll be able to offer you something new every week or so...

As you probably already know, we're heading for Rwanda only at the beginning of next year and in the meantime we're spending a few months in England for training.
The more interesting stuff will therefore start appearing in 2015, but we believe you might be interested in what we're up to even before that.

We miss you all already, but we feel closer in spirit if we write here, hoping you'll tune in to follow us!

Thanks for reading, we hope you'll enjoy it!


N.B. You'll find some pictures in the posts, but if you want to see more, please click on the links in the texts; once you get to the page, allow some time for all pictures to load properly (they look faded at first); you can also click on a single image to view them all larger (again, with some patience to get the right image quality).

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