Mrs.Mummy is not doing much physio here, only extemporary fixing of fellow
students and staff members, but at least little by little she’s singing more
and more.
The disappointment of not being able to join the Folk Group for
their big date was huge, but luckily there are a few choirs at the college, so
our family's heavenly voice is still active.
The newly formed (perfect timing!) Gospel choir was rehearsing for the 50th Anniversary
celebration of the arrival of the college in this place and Elena enjoyed
practicing with them a lot (and of course they were appreciating her
contribution a great deal, too), but then it dawned on everyone that she wouldn’t be
there for the performance, as she took the children to Italy for mid-term (more
on that in a future post, hopefully before next mid-term…).
No time for sadness, anyway, as now it’s Christmas Choirs time and
singingMum is quite busy, both with the main group for the Carol Service and
with the “serious” choir, led by an over-ambitious director who’s trying to get
a few numbers ready from… nothing else than Handel’s Messiah, including some
solos, one of which of course is for Elena.
Daddy is trying to lure her into some other performances
in the main hall of the college (where the grand-piano sits!), for the faithful
patrons of the “free hot chocolate in the evening” (according to Mattia one of
the best bits of the college programme), but the combined excuses of “I’m
tired” + “thekidsareinbedwecan’tleavethemalonetoolong” have up to now managed
to reduce the delight of our dear chocolate&chat lovers to only one taster,
a rendition of Schubert’s Ave Maria, but the power of daddy’s dogged insistence
is renowned, just as his wife’s love/need for singing, so there’s hope for more
before we leave these shores.
In the meantime, we couldn't help trying our luck at setting up some children singing even here, so, despite the dictatorial reputation of the lady in charge of the Carol Service, we've managed to get the go-ahead for a song by the kids, who by the way had already started practising it at their Thursday Children's Club a nice hour of worship-story-activities for kids staying at the college (it started only in November and it was to be held only every second week, but now we're gathering them every week for rehearsals!). Michele&Sam love the idea, which means we're hearing them practising Go Tell It On the Mountain a dozen time a day...
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