Saturday, 20 February 2016

Home visits to say goodbye to the children

Yes, the time has come to do my rounds to say goodbye to the home-based children; not easy but a must.
Some are children and some are young adults, but for different reasons (severity of their conditions, area where they live, etc..) they don't attend the church's special needs school and they spend most of their time at home.
Their mums now feel more confident because they know what to do with them (thanks to the training I gave them) and they all have wheelchairs and toilet chairs, so everyone's life is a bit easier, and I've found a local physiotherapist (independent from the school), who will be available to support the mums and their children if needed and this is such a relief for me.
Thanks to my friend Helen's donation, I was able to give each child some colouring books, colours and, for the more able ones, an abacus to learn some math at home and, for the more severe ones, colourful plastic bibs.
Unfortunately a couple of children were sick and I am not sure if I will be able to see them before leaving.
So here are some of the children.
Daniel, 4 1/2 yrs old, with his paper chair!
Kagaba, 18 yrs old
Beatrice, 13 yrs old

Lamistone, 10 yrs. She is an orphan and lives with her grandmother. She should be able to start in a special needs school next week. I am so happy for her! 
Mugisha, 13 years old.
Josieanne, 30 yrs old. She has been working with me and she has been trying to learn to colour well so to be able to decorate paper items and has learnt to make necklaces too.

 Silvie, 30 yrs old, very happy with her colouring materials. She has recently starting moving around with a walker thanks to her mum's help and supervision.
I was very happy to see the toilet chairs I built last year still in perfect condition and being used every day.

Eme, 5 years old.


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