Saturday 31 January 2015

First month, by the numbers

1 home, 1 sweet home: a good house, big enough, comfortable, ours, as luxurious as to be ashamed, for the local standards,though nowhere near the typical westerners’ houses.
2 sick boys / 2 boys getting better quickly (one after the other, of course, what a lovely week!); nothing serious (though Sam’s amoeba is not a laughing matter either), just a good excuse to test the health system, first time with Sam, in a big clinic in the city centre, for rich people, like us; second time with Michele in a smaller but still clean and professional clinic, very close and way cheaper. Anyway, only a few days home, not to leave Daddy feel lonely in the morning, while Mum is at work.
3 workers, slaves, helpers, employees, time-wasters, friends, members of the extended family, intruders… ?
4 VISAS: we have them, we are not coming back tomorrow (the entry VISA lasts 30 days)! Not too hard, not easy, it just took some time, between visits to the Immigration Office, the Italian Consulate, the bank… but we’ve done it!
5 days (mornings) at school: Mum completed her first week, happy to have started, shocked by the level of the teachers, overloaded by ideas about what needs to be done, loved by the children.
6.00-6.10am: waking up time (5.55 for the grown-ups) / 6.40am school-bus.
7 days a week we thank God for sending us here.
8 lessons (2 hrs each) of Kinyarwanda, still a long way to go (such a complicated language!), but Mattia is getting the hang of it and is starting to try it out more and more, drawing a lot of smiles from the locals (are they happy he tries or are his attempts so laughable?)
9 = icyenda: at least we’ve learnt to count (and up to hundreds of thousand!)
10/10: the mark for the two boys, as to adaptability!
11 street kids: maximum but quite standard number attending Mattia’s English lessons/snack/group time in the afternoon, just for a short time (after language lessons, before the boys come back), but it’s a good beginning.
Dozens of birds, to be heard, listened to, waken up by, admired, photographed
13.00-15.00: language lessons; perfect time to feel tired after the early rise, weary because of the noon heat... in a word, sleepy!
16.35: the bus brings the boys back from school.
17x10 minutes: duration of the Sunday morning service, in Kinyarwanda; the saving grace is the music and dance, by various choirs, or Sunday School, if we are asked to help with that.
18.00 mosquito-time: “boys, put on your long clothes, close the windows (Daddy starts gasping for breath), put in the new mosquito-mats in the vapour machines, come for the spray”
19 hours spent writing this blog and the Italian version?
20 days in school for Michele&Sam: they’re happy, their teachers are happy, we too; they’re doing well and the school is very good, from all points of view.
21/01 first (and only) outing on the tennis court for Michele and Dad: Wednesday the boys have a half-day, so it’s going to be our family/sport day afternoon.
22 minutes: time Michele managed to stay in the pool, for him still cold; it was mid afternoon, the sky was cloudy, so the water was not very warm, but for Dad it was fine (Mum was home with Sam, already a bit sick, before the bad week); we’ll try again.
23/01 first day of after-school football for Sam: a success!
24/7 we know God sent us here, so everything is and will be OK.
1/25000: the chances of anything happening to us when we go around town, for the country is particularly safe and white people are even safer, quite a long shot from most of other capitals in developing countries.
26/01 meeting with Bishop Samuel and other bosses, to discuss our plans: they are not pushing us to start, they are happy with some ideas, slow to react to others…
27 smiling faces at the Amizero Centre (special needs school) singing “My God is so Big” led by Elena.
28 nails, screws and hooks already hammered-driven in the walls by Mattia, so as to hang things all around the house, both to decorate and to make up for the few pieces of furniture and our many possessions.
29 Days when we all tasted at least one delicious local fruit (bananas, mangoes, passion fruit, pineapple, tree tomato, avocados, papaya…)

30 times wealthier than many people here, more or less… shameful, anyway.

31 warm days

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